Badger Den Mead
Brewed with Honor
Our meads change with the seasons, to bring you nature’s own flavors. Celebrate any time of the year with this seasons blend.
Spring Seasonal
A light and fresh mead with a blend of ingredients particular to spring, that change every year.
Summer Seasonal
A bright mead with a blend of ingredients particular to summer, that change every year.
Autumn Seasonal
A mellow mead with a blend of ingredients particular to autumn, that change every year.
Winter Seasonal
A full bodied mead with a blend of ingredients particular to winter, that change every year.

Looking to show your love for mead? Check out our merch and carry The Badger Den banner.

Ages ago, shield bearers gathered at a longhouse in the woods, along the fresh water cost. This sacred place was filled with roaring fires, jovial laughter, tales of triumph and endlessly flowing mead. As time went on and the seasons changed, the safe haven was dubbed, The Badger Den.
Contact us
Interested in ordering the latest seasonal mead? Fill out the form with your contact details, and we’ll get in touch as soon as possible.